Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AP Biology Summer Assignment

Goal: Creating an interesting blog with descriptions and photos of 20 (or more) vocabulary words from the list. Your work should be creative, in your own words, and cite any references that you use.
Photos: Take a picture that somehow illustrates the concept. Your picture can be a literal or figurative explanation of the concept. Please cite the reference for the definition along with a brief explanation of the concept and how your picture fits (if it’s not obvious).
Important: Include a mascot or widget of your choosing (a stuffed animal, a toy, a talisman, something uniquely you.)
Blog: You can make a blog for free. www.blogger.comwww.blogspot.com,www.wordpress.comwww.posterous.comwww.edublogs.com.. Each words a little bit differently so check them all out before you begin.
Due date: The first day of school! You will provide your teacher with the web address of your blog and she will grade it.
Vocab Words:
  1. carbon
  2. covalent bonds
  3. cohesion
  4. adhesion
  5. evaporative cooling
  6. acid
  7. base
  8. buffer
  9. polysaccharide
  10. lipid
  11. polypeptide
  12. nucleic acid
  13. osmosis
  14. enzymes
  15. cellular respiration
  16. photosynthesis
  17. fermentation
  18. autotroph
  19. heterotroph
  20. C4 plant
  21. CAM plant
  22. trait
  23. true-breeding
  24. complete dominance
  25. codominance
  26. incomplete dominance
  27. pleiotropy
  28. epistasis
  29. polygenic inheritance
  30. quantitative characters
  31. tobacco mosaic virus
  32. model organism
  33. apical meristems
  34. artificial selection
  35. vestigial organs
  36. homologous structures
  37. population
  38. mutation
  39. cline
  40. sexual dimorphism
  41. intrasexual selection
  42. intersexual selection
  43. polyploidy
  44. kingdoms
  45. bacteria
  46. bryophyte
  47. gymnosperm
  48. xylem
  49. phloem
  50. angiosperm
  51. fungi
  52. cnidarian
  53. invertebrates
  54. storage root
  55. rhizome
  56. petiole
  57. monocot
  58. dicot
  59. transpiration
  60. topsoil
  61. humus
  62. mycorrhizae
  63. stamens
  64. sepals
  65. aggregate fruit
  66. simple fruit
  67. multiple fruit
  68. imbibition
  69. phototropism
  70. epithelial tissue
  71. metabolic rate
  72. ectotherm
  73. endotherm
  74. negative feedback
  75. positive feedback
  76. thermoregulation
  77. herbivores
  78. carnivores
  79. omnivores

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