Tuesday, August 2, 2011


An omnivore is one of the three dietary categories that exist for animals existing on earth. An omnivore not only eats autotrophs, such as plants or algae, but also consumes meat, or other heterotrophs, as well. Omnivores do not only eat meat, and omnivores do not only eat plants. The best way to  describe an omnivore is by looking at the dietary habits of a human being. Humans like to eat a lot of meat, but also can have salad on the side which consists of autotrophs. Other omnivores also include crows, raccoons, and cockroaches.

Depicted below is a human consuming rice, peas, and meat. The human is eating both meat and other things such as peas and rice which are not meat.

Works Cited:
Campbell, Neil, Jane Reece, and Lawrence Mitchell. “Animal Nutrition.” Biology. Fifth ed. Menlo Park: Jim Green Publishing, 1999. 797. Print.

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